Writing on Immigration: Good Topics for a Research Paper

Immigration is a tricky subject. It seems in many areas no matter what view a person has, they are bound to upset someone. But with that said, there are a number of subjects to pick topics from. So writing on immigration, there are three subjects that they will spring from. Legal immigration; pros and/or cons. Illegal immigration; Pros and/or Cons. And then there is the; benefits and costs of immigration, legal and/or illegal. Any of these here can bring forth many different topics to write about.

  1. Legal Immigration, Pros and/or Cons
  2. Illegal Immigration, Pros and/or Cons
  3. Benefits and Costs of Immigration

Legal Immigration, Pros and / or Cons

This is going to be a more social-political discussion than anything else. So the topics here are going to focus in this area. The topics then would look at how immigration effects society, how immigration laws are good or bad. Threats and benefits to the government and the society.

Sample topics

  • Do present Security Checks Protect Us from Hostile Immigration?
  • How does Immigration affect the Workplace? (A social view)
  • What does Immigration Bring to the Country? (A social view)
  • Does the Government do Effective Health Screening, on New Immigrants?
  • How effective is Profiling in Screening New Immigrants, and is it Used?

Illegal Immigration, Pro and / or Cons

This again is going to be a social-political issue. So these topics will also focus in this area. Does anti-illegal immigration laws work, how does illegal immigration affect the society.

Sample topics

  • Does Port Security have an Effect on Illegal Immigration, and How Much?
  • How does Illegal Immigration affect the Workplace? (A social view)
  • What does Illegal Immigration Bring to the Country? (A social view)
  • Is Anti-Illegal Immigration Laws Effective?
  • What are the Costs of Illegal Immigration? (A social view)

Benefits and Costs of Immigration

In this area, the subject will focus on both legal and illegal immigration. It will look at the economic costs, and not just the financial, but total. How does legal and illegal immigration affect the economy, markets, finances, and health costs.

Some sample topics

  • How does Legal Immigration affect the workplace? (An economic view)
  • How does Illegal Immigration affect the Workplace? (An economic view)
  • What are the costs of Illegal Immigration? (An economic view)
  • How does Immigration affect the Market?
  • What is the cost of Immigration in the School System?