Starting your business research paper

Business research can be quite fascinating. When you learn how businesses go about designing, manufacturing, and selling their products and services, it is easy to be fascinated by the business of doing business. Nurturing a business is almost like nurturing a child because as the business grows, it can become wild and difficult to control, or it can be sweet and easy to manage.

As you start your business research paper, there are a few considerations to make:

  • What do you want to learn about business?
  • Is there a specific type of business you want to research?
  • What business leader is iconic to you?
  • What would you like to prove about business?
  • Do you need to stick with a local business or can you go global?
  • What do you need to say about online presence?
  • Do you need to know how the business began?
  • Do you need to study a business that folded?
  • Do you need to talk to the owner/founder/CEO?

Since businesses come in all shapes and sizes, your professor will give you requirements for the actual paper. But, since most professors want their students to research topics that they are interest in, it will be important that you choose a business that you want to understand.

Let the Organization Guide Your Planning

Your business research paper will need to have a long list of sections. Most research papers need the following:

  • Title Page
  • Introduction
  • Literature and research information
  • Statement you plan to make about the business
  • Discussion about the business
  • Conclusion
  • Works Cited
  • Appendix

Design a Thoughtful, Persuasive Thesis

Since research papers are always persuasive, you will want to have a thesis statement that you can prove about the business. You might want to address the marketing strategy and whether you believe it is effective. You could also discuss the importance of having an online presence. Maybe you could even focus on how businesses die and lose their relevance. There are always so many topics that can be proved in a high quality business research paper.

Do Some Preliminary Research to Find What is Available

Once you figure out what you want to prove in your research paper, you should do some preliminary research to see if you can actually find literature that will back up your ideas. If you cannot, then you might have to decide on a different topic and start over from the very beginning.
